1. 請問這吉他譜 "you are so beautiful" 點彈?

2007-01-21 1:11 pm
1. 請問這吉他譜 "you are so beautiful" 點彈?

•you are so beautiful to me
•you are so beautiful to me

•your everything I hope for
•your everything I need

-----------x------------- -------x-------x--------- ----x-------------x------ --x----------------------- 我用上面的pattern去彈所有chord, 但係唔好聼. 各位有冇好提意?


補充請看看""1. 請問這吉他譜 "you are so beautiful" 點彈? 第二問""

回答 (3)

2007-01-21 1:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hah.. you are also friends of Maroon 5. Meanwhile, any playing methods in playing chord are okay. When you feel the melody and feeling is good and wonderful, just take this techniques. This can create your unique technique in playing guitars
參考: Me
2007-01-21 5:23 pm
hey yeah
不捨得再低頭 怕你被人掠走

你瞬間 沉睡了多久
望你側了頭 沒法更輕柔
這一剎變永久 時間帶不走
欣賞你淺睡 如國畫清秀

*愛在我心 心卻在顫抖

 不捨得再低頭 不捨得再飄流
 只恐一眼走漏 便會損失你一晝
 捐出一世溫柔 怕會被人掠走

多得你愛得到 帶得走
you are so beautiful beautiful

你髮端 流浪過我雙手
滑過左到右 像武起絲綢
不經意轉過身 就似幅蘇繡
風吹你低頭 全世界低首


很想安放心頭 很想收進雙眸
一生一世不走 完美到不會開口
捨不得你溫柔 我會虔誠自首
看到這幅好畫必需要擁有 初戀決不鬆手

you are so beautiful beautiful
beautiful beautiful yeah...

很想安放心頭 很想收進雙眸
一生一世不走 完美到不會開口
捨不得你溫柔 我會虔誠自首

you are so beautiful
you are so beautiful
you are so beautiful
2007-01-21 1:36 pm
C, AM, EM... are guitar chord. You play them + you can hold it with your hand and play different string, it will sound good. Create harmony part.

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