我想問 too xxxx too soon 點解

2007-01-21 10:23 am
例如too much too soon
too serious too soon

真係咁表面? 乜唔係句型黎架咩?

回答 (3)

2007-01-24 7:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is a very common expression. But the most famous one would be:
Too little, too late.
Too little too late is so famous that it is the name of a pop song.
好明顯,too xxx, too yyy 係講緊兩樣嘢但形容緊同一件事,too little, too late 之所以咁常用係因為好多時啲人發覺錯誤想補救但已太遲。
例: Tommy has just started studying one day before the examination and it was too little too late.
文法上 too xxx, too yyy 中間應有逗號,但由於已變成一常用 phrase,所以好多時都省略了comma。
Too much too soon 是 too little too late 的相反詞,雖然我揾唔到證據,但我相信是先有 too little, too late在先,因為人性弱點,too little, too late 的情況比比皆是。
任何 too xxx too yyy 都是按字面解就可以。
2007-01-22 12:41 am

過 於嚴重
2007-01-21 10:31 am

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