Do our laws favor the rich or the poor or neither?

2007-01-21 2:16 am

回答 (23)

2007-01-21 2:35 am
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You all don't even know the definition of 'rich'. What do you think the 'rich' do with their money, put it under the mattress? No, they start companies so you have a job. They buy houses so you can be an electrician, plumber, carpenter, window/flooring/carpet/landscaping person, they send their kids to private schools where there are teachers, janitors, principals and counselors, they buy cars so you can work as a mechanic, a salesman, a secretary, a finance guy, they buy nice clothes in American stores from salespeople, so you can work as a tailor, or a drycleaner - and they do it all with AMERICAN money they earn. The rich do not just have money sent to them in the mail and then they park it somewhere. The rich are that way because they know how to make money. Your jealousy (and lack of any knowledge about "the rich") reminds me of a 5 year old who was ust told my mommy they can't have ANOTHER candy bar. Grow up- if you want to be rich, study economics and spend your money on something beside MP3's, low rise jeans, tattoos and those idiotic auto sound systmes, learn how money works rather than complaining that you don't have any, as if anyone cares.
參考: I'm rich.
2007-01-21 10:19 am
Our laws favor the GUILTY. They are the ones with the rights.
2007-01-21 11:07 am
This question is one that I am sad to answer. The answer is that legal systems have ALWAYS favored the rich, under the guise of equality. Steal 10million in a trade scandal and do 3yrs in "club fed"; yet steal 100 dollars at the corner store and do 5-7 hard time (if you are poor). The OJ case showed the world that our legal system may be racially bias, it is monetarily slanted. Had a poor man been caught in same situation he would have been fried in the chair last week. The media coverage and the high priced lawyer saw a different outcome. Look at Enron, look at currupt govt officials, the list goes on... A sad truth and testiment to the fact that the poor get treated indifferent while the rich get preference in this country.
2007-01-21 10:48 am
2% of the population own 90% of the wealth. There should be income caps. Even with income caps people will create new and valuable business here. I kind of like Bill Gates but let's be reasonable about his wealth along with the hording of the very rich. I believe that the vary rich, for the most part, keep the poor poor. 30 million Americans are without health care and the middle income are mad about having to subsidize the care for the poor while the rich look down their noses at us. The most obvious rich are the actors and spots people. My god, reduce the money they make and reduce the price of the tickets.

This type of capitalism is crap.
2007-01-21 10:34 am
just consider that poor single mothers who need assistance are forced to work at jobs which pay less than minimum wage and turn their children over to day care providers who are paid more than minimum wage by the state and who are then allowed to deduct from taxes their gardner, their maid, all the products they buy for 'daycare.' all this, even tho our govt funded research shows day care is a disaster for young children's intellect and emotions.

it's the rich, all the way.
2007-01-21 10:31 am
Our present administration favors the rich. However, that can change.
2007-01-21 10:28 am
When a lawyer can get OJ off then duhh.... it favors who can pay for the best lawyer......The poor get the shaft in the judicial system...

Financially I think we favor the rich being taxed equally to the middle class,,,,,,,, I have no idea why people believe in an equal tax ,,,,,, Some how the wealthy have convinced them it is good for
2007-01-21 10:26 am
The rich they make the laws.
2007-01-21 10:20 am
Neither. You can obey the law either way.
2007-01-21 10:19 am
The rich & the poor. Not the in between.
2007-01-21 10:19 am
After reading a lot of financial books, the laws favor to the people who know them and know how to use them.
2007-01-21 10:20 am
We have the best laws and politicians that money can buy.
2007-01-21 10:20 am
Laws favor those who follow them, the criminal justice system favors the wealthy (and the guilty).
2007-01-21 10:20 am
I think it favors more the rich then poor simply because they have more power.
2007-01-21 10:20 am
You gotta ask,, we have the best justice money can buy along with healthcare
2007-01-21 10:20 am
mostly the rich,that's partly the reason for so much crime
2007-01-21 10:19 am
The rich and powerful, they make the laws generally.
2007-01-21 10:19 am
Laws are impartial. It's the cops, lawyers, and judges that favour the rich.
2007-01-21 10:19 am
THE RICH! And its getting wose, thanks to the great BUSH.
2007-01-22 11:56 am
2007-01-21 10:34 am
I'd like to know how anyone can think that a progressive tax rate structure is an example of favoring the rich.
2007-01-21 10:33 am
Both extremes benefit, the middle suffers! The poor have nothing to take, so they get processed through and dumped out. The Rich find we have the best legal system money can buy-(See Bill Clinton and his Pardoned Most Wanted Buddy-Mark Rich!).
The Middle Class and Professionals like Doctors(See John Edwards) keep Lawyers and Cops Wealthy!
2007-01-21 10:20 am
Our laws almost exclusively favor the rich!!!!!

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