Robocop Vs. Terminator?

2007-01-21 2:14 am
Who would win? Rules: Any Robocop vs any Terminator as long as its Arnold.

回答 (21)

2007-01-21 2:36 am
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If the Robocop (played by Peter Weller) came across the Terminator he would say something like "Stop, in the name of the law..." While the Terminator would just kill him. In a fair fight it would be hard to predict the winner, but Terminators don't fight fair.

If you compare the two then you find that the Terminator is the superior warrior. Robo Cop is a cyborg with all the limitations of being human; reaction speed, feelings, organic components etc. The Robo Cop will move slower than a Terminator, it has less strength, and can operate for less time on a charge (the Terminator is powered by a nuclear reactor, while Robo Cop must plug himself into an electric outlet to charge its batteries and it must eat a goo similar to baby food to sustain the organic components). The Robo Cop can feel pain, he can be distracted and he is dedicated to protection and service for the law. The Terminator has no feelings to slow it down, it only cares for death and destruction, the machines can't be distracted from their goals and they continue to attack until they are utterly exhausted. More importantly they have a much lower survival instinct. The Robo Cop would feel fear, he would want to retreat, and to avoid the pain, he would also hesitate to kill a human being. All of which are critical faults that would let the Terminator win.

The only advantages that Robo Cop has over the Terminator are freedom of action and creative thoughts. The Terminator has a superior tactical mind programmed to kill and exploit any tactical advantage, while it is limited it is has far greater tactical knowledge than the Robo Cop has. As for freedom of thought that will let the Robo Cop think of and accept other outcomes or alternatives, but while it is doing that the Terminator will use those fractions of a second to attack.

Finally, Robo Cop is programmed with some general orders that outline what it has to do. Overcoming such a general order is possible, but it requires time, time which the Terminator just won't let past. So unless the Terminator is stripped of all its skin Robo Cop will have to assume it is at least partially human and therefore give it a chance to respond. The Terminator will used its sensors to find the weak spots on Robo Cop and it will always be able to attack first, with no thought of trying to arrest or wound the Robo Cop, it will only want to destroy Robo Cop.
2007-01-21 2:21 am
Terminator, better built
2007-01-21 2:19 am
2007-01-21 2:17 am
definately terminator.
2007-01-21 2:17 am
definitely the terminator, robocop thinks he has to be formal with questioning and whatnot, the terminator juss shoots to kill. Aww Yeah!!!
2007-01-21 2:17 am
terminator for sure
2007-01-21 2:17 am
Terminator would kick his ROBOASS
2007-01-21 2:17 am
2007-01-21 2:17 am
2007-01-21 2:16 am
hands down its terminator
2015-07-01 11:00 pm
Terminator easily
2015-02-18 7:39 am
It's a nice question. But I can say without hesitation that terminator will probably win.
2014-07-30 3:48 am
Robocop vs Terminator comic showed that Robocop can beat the Terminator so im going with Robocop. Also in Robocop 2 he's shown beating a superior version of himself. I'm Robo all the way.
2007-01-21 2:30 am
Terminator.He's a mean lean killing machine.(literally)!!!!!!!
參考: My Brain
2007-01-21 2:29 am
2007-01-21 2:17 am
2007-01-21 2:17 am
wow i'm gonna go with robocop
good terminator can't think or hurt humans
robocop can
2007-01-21 2:17 am
terminator, definitely....
2007-01-21 2:17 am
I LOVE Robocop but the Terminator would unfortunately kick his butt.
2007-01-21 2:16 am
Terminator is 100% stronger
2007-01-21 2:34 am
The Terminator...easily! I mean, he was going to kill a KID for pete's sake, why would he have any hesitations to kick another robots a**!?

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