When you receive a monthly bill, do you pay it partially or in full?

2007-01-21 12:27 am

回答 (15)

2007-01-21 12:37 am
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I always paid my bill in full especially credit card bill. Because I do not want them to charge me finance charge.
參考: personal opinion
2007-01-21 8:29 am
I pay it in full; I don't want interest to build up.
2007-01-21 8:46 am
Monthly bills MUST be paid in full. Credit card bills, on the other hand, I am working on eliminating all together.
2007-01-21 8:35 am
if it is a utility bill I always pay in full....If its credit I pay at least double the minimum due
2007-01-21 8:33 am
I would try to pay it in full! Only making partial payments would cause you to go past due and in some cases that might put in a position where if you have a Cell phone, Cable or Lights, you service will be suspended until the Past Due and any additional Reconnect/Suspension Fees are paid just to restore service

Unless you talk with the Collections Department from the Company to set-up payment arragements, then you can make a partial payment with the rest being paid at another time.

If you go really past due, you subject yourself to have an Outside Collections Agency or Lawyers trying to collect your debt and affect your credit.

If you get a bill, pay it in full
2007-01-21 8:31 am
normally when it says amount due but if you want no interest you can pay it in full
2007-01-21 8:30 am
I pay in full mostly
2007-01-21 8:30 am
phone, insurance, etc - in full every month
credit - pay off in full every other month or so (I'm trying to build up credit - and they have to see that you can use it responsibly)
2007-01-21 8:30 am
Definitely in full all the time.

Paying interest or penalites is a complete waste of money. Credit cards should be paid off in full every month.

Like they say...if you can't afford it, dont buy it.
2007-01-21 8:30 am
if u have it to pay then pay in full.......you don't want to get behind on those...they start adding up
2007-01-21 8:30 am
full, no debt for me, no siree
2007-01-21 8:29 am
usually in full; if i had charged large unexpected expenses, or while recovering from the holidays, then partially.
2007-01-21 8:29 am
I usually try to pay a bit more on it even if it is twenty for thirty dollars. I like the sense of security it gives me to know that my phone or hydro has a little cushion to it.
2007-01-21 8:29 am
in fall
2007-01-21 8:29 am
depends what kind of bill........utility or credit card?

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