請批改文章 (五年級)

2007-01-21 7:53 am
In the school, I'm in class 5B. Most classmates are known.
In the school we have three school bredks and seven lessons. We here
Chinese session, English session, Mathematics session, General stndy session, Music session, Sports session, Computer session and reading session.

回答 (2)

2007-01-21 8:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
In my school, I'm study in class 5B, I know all the classmates.
In my school, it contain seven lessons. There are Chinese, English, Mathematics, General stndy, Music, Sports, Computer and reading session.

一 ) 係你識你d同學,我唔識佢地
”Most classmates are known”係所有同學都為世人所共知......
二 ) break?寸錯字啦...我地會用rest
三 ) "We ...... reading session." 唔夠字都唔係o甘下話......
2007-01-21 8:07 am
I am studying in 5B .I have known all my classmates . We have three recesses among seven lessons. We have differents subjects need to study, such as chinese, english, mathematics, music and computer. we also have some special periods for us to enhance our daily life knowledges,such as general study section and reading section.
參考: myself

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