English (Tense)

2007-01-21 7:05 am
句子 : She will get marry to a man

What′s wrong ?

回答 (9)

2007-01-21 8:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
除了最後的那三個字 to a man 之外, 其他都沒問題, 因為一個正常人, 男的會和女的結婚而女的一定是和一個男人結婚了, 那又何需要強調她去同一個男人結婚? 相信你用中文也不會如此講法吧!若有歪倫常, 即是女和女的結婚或男的和男的結婚, 你才那法用法, 即是 She will marry to a lady (or woman).
She will get marry 或者是
She will marry to Peter. (若要用 to 便指出她和誰結婚.)

2007-01-22 22:22:30 補充:
誰說 get marry 不成立? 誰說 marry 不可加 to ? 請看看以下從 LONGMAN DICTIONARY OF CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH 的擧例 :Marry :- get married (to) Billy got married to the first girl he went out with.Marry sb to sb. :- She's determined to marry all her daughters to rich men.

2007-01-22 22:24:56 補充:
從以上例子, 若你想用 marry to man 或者你該用 to a rich man, a well educated man, etc. 即是你要在 man 之前加上形容詞 不要胡亂說自己會考和高考拿 A 了.

2007-01-22 22:36:49 補充:
Following from LONGMAN DICTIONARY........Usage Note: MarryGrammarYou marry someone or get/are married to someone, not with them.Spoken-WrittenGet married is more informal and more common in spoken English than marry: Marti is getting married to Jeff next week...................

2007-01-24 21:19:36 補充:
CWS, 這麼多的不同答案, 為了你自己的利益, 你還是拿本字典查查 marry 這個字, 在哪裡你應該找到這個字的不同用法和真正的意思, 若你真心想學好英文, 你還是在字典好了, 讀書有四到, 眼到; 心到; 口到和手到, 手到就是拿書本(包括字典).我以上提到的那本字典不錯, 你在找那個 marry 字便可以看到我所說的例子了.
2007-01-23 1:04 am
The tense is wrong. It should be:
She will get married to a man.
She will be married to a man.
She will marry a man.

Any one of these are correct, and there should be some more possibilities beside these, although these should be the most basic ones. I hope this can help you! :)

2007-01-22 17:07:12 補充:
sorry! the first one should be:She will get married with a manAnd the last one isn't "Any one of these are correct", it should be "All of the above are correct".Sorry for the inconvenience! :(
參考: me
2007-01-21 11:46 pm
She will marry a man.

First, it's not marry TO, there's no preposition after marry. Next, GET MARRY is redundant.
參考: me
2007-01-21 7:59 am
由於 get 及 marry 兩者, 皆是動詞, 一句簡單句子不能同時有兩個動詞作主動詞存在
get 同時可以是 (vt)及物動詞 , (vi)不及物動詞
marry 同時可以是 (vt)及物動詞 , (vi)不及物動詞
所以在此句子 She will get marry to a man 內, get 及 marry 同時出現是不成立的
常用 She will get married 通常已指與人結婚不需再提'男人'
在此句中, get 是 (vi)不及物動詞, 意指'被....' ; '受....' 加重語氣
married 是 (vt)及物動詞被動式 to be married, 意指被迎娶
2007-01-21 7:15 am
應該用 with

She will get marry with a man !


2007-01-21 7:13 am
She will marry a man.

要當作被動式用, 會變成 get married.
例: She and the man will get married.

參考: 會考 及 高考英文成績 - A
2007-01-21 7:11 am
She will get married with a man.<----我覺得甘會好D :P
2007-01-21 7:11 am
The man will marry her.

2007-01-20 23:12:45 補充:
英文係男marry女架~~I hope I can help you !!!
參考: me
2007-01-21 7:11 am
其實冇咩可改善。ok ga la~係功課黎嘅話就交啦!冇問題~

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