F.1 Composition ( quick)

2007-01-21 5:32 am
As a part of" Creative Writing Week" at your school, your teacher has asked you to write an imaginative essay about what you would do, both the joys and troubles you would experience and your feelings if you turned invisible tomorrow. Begin with the sentence, "I wish I became invisible tomorrow."
Make sure you include 2-3 dialogues, at least 5 adjectives and 5 adverbs.
The essay entry should be 150-200 words.

回答 (1)

2007-01-22 1:59 am
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I wish I became invisible tomorrow. It has always been my dream, since I can do lots of things invisibly.

I have always love watching movies. Being invisible, I would carefully sneak into the cinema, watch the movies on the amazing wide-screen and enjoy the shocking audio effect in the theatre. And the best part is I can enjoy all my favorite movies repeatedly without paying a dollar. This is going to be really exciting!!

I love having buffet in the hotel, though I have never had one. Now I can walk in quietly without being noticed and enjoy all the food in the hotel.Surely, I can eat as much dessert as I can. Of course, I will choose a hotel with the romantic dim light and sit at a corner of the hall. This is because people will probably be scared by flying food and dishes in the air.

You are right. Here is the problem. I may scare my friends to death. I may probably scare my parents as well. Just imagine a voice talks to you while you do not see anyone anywhere near you. What a thrill! This is really the worst thing as I care about my parents and my friends very much.

On second thoughts, I wish I am just the normal me. After all, I love my family and my friends. And I am loved by them.
參考: 會考 及 高考英文成績 - A

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