
2007-01-21 3:32 am

回答 (3)

2007-01-21 5:01 am
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2007-01-20 22:01:28 補充:

2007-01-24 17:25:51 補充:
  我都愛戈巴卓夫,英雄所見略同。  但胡錦濤有西藏大屠殺嗎?你係咪睇YOUTUBE那軍人向平民開槍被奧地利人攝錄到的那段呀?  文革就是一小撮人煽動群眾的暴亂,是民主。  文明之後,三權分立的社會是最公平的社會。  民主嗎,會有小數會煽動的人搞破壞,千古不變,你看美國負債累累,就知民主的缺點。

2007-01-30 14:55:51 補充:
2007-01-22 7:57 pm
because 共產黨 is just one of the dynasty in CHINA history .
We have soooo many dynasty in china history .
參考: me
2007-01-22 6:32 am

I am here because my two " friends of Knowledge " are here for this question :-)
Ridiculous use english for 中國 question! I know.


~ I understand that question : 為甚麼中國共產黨,
Still can 以「家天下」的黑社會方式、觀念來治理中國?

1. Principle politic system in chinese society since dynasty Han was fixed on 儒家.

2. Before, in dynasty 商 , we still have « abstraction thinking » ( ideal beauty, painting, living good, tools making ( made by « green » bronze ~ bad english la) etc, since dyniasty Han , all changed to figuration under confucius’influence. (exe : see painting, tool making, sometime in house design(but I am not specialist for this ) since this period.

~ And You can compare different living production or idea cultural of them in many special history book la, please don't let me work hard alone ..)

3. « To be N°1 » This「家天下」的黑社會方式 few evolution in our society … We have many strategie man or great 詩人 but few philosophe, all important philosophe came from 先秦時代. (hehe, 老莊 is like anarchism and 法家 like right side politic party in occident today.)

4. People use to this 「家天下」of live (and eating is most important in China, someone said. :-p )

5. We are adult la, I think you can understand what I mean. ( if not, it’s never finished !)

P.s. I heared some people want to take up confucius in HK today (right information ??) my God !


1. 中國共產黨, their general thinking/situation for 政治, i think that is like the royal russian family before revolution or French period of Louis XVI ~ after me the flood !! , ( situation before french revolution.)

2. They 不能讓平等的民主政治普及, 不能 give up their 利益 actual. They do and done many bad things and they cant take resposability. People know president Hu gave order for massacre in Tibet and people still believe/wish/dream that he 讓民主政治普及中國 ?

3. 家天下有好處,亦有壞處,以民智未開的中國... 令到動盪及混亂,會影響國情。~ This time, i dont agree with you la 小神算 … after Guo min Tang, 1949 (??), Did 民智 開 ? All China people want go to the best for China, so history give this chance to Mao who can do everything. Many people express their thinking,, and many come back from abroad before 文化大革命, want building our country ( very sad history)…

4. Oh , for many people, they still wait another Chinese Mikhaïl Gorbatchev !!

P.S. 「家天下」的黑社會方式讓人學會尊重,有目標投身報國. ..
~ I dont understand la ??, 報國 = 報黨 or people ?? i think about 岳飛 .. this guy killed many innocent people for 報國 ~ his King .

2007-01-24 22:03:49 補充:
hello 小神算:I search Youtube for cultural information, not politic. (i like to make short movies lol) exemple: http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7007011904157

2007-01-24 22:04:30 補充:
for 西藏大屠殺 ; 胡錦濤 had N°1 (chef departement) in Tibet in this period. My principal information comes from special report of French and on german TV. then I compare (sometime) with Open magazine and Ming Pao monthly.
參考: moi

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