高考ue作文考D以上的人, 我可以請教您們一些作文首段和未段的問題嗎?

2007-01-21 3:15 am
無論會考, 高考, 我作文的首段都是Nowadays,
Recently, 或
Lately, 或
There are many issues surrounded xxx...

To sum up, 或
To conclude, 或
In conclusion,


really thanks a lot!

回答 (2)

2007-01-21 6:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
這是一個很好的問題, 反映你對自己有了反省.

其實我個人覺得要作文作得得體一點, 一定要少用 副詞 又或一些有組織意味的詞語 作一段的開頭. 看上去太生硬

e.g. recently, lately, currently, firstly , secondly, lastly......
e.g. Furthermore, Moreover, In conclusion, To sum up, In summary.......

少用一點己上詞語, 文章看上去己經好多了

要得更好, 就要做到自然, 簡單
並且加一點自己的看法, 加一點詞語, 就會好看多了.

自然就是直接說你想說的東西, 不用生硬而無用的詞句.

X Nowadays, newspapers have become a part of our lives.
V Although newspapers are cheap and not durable, they have become an essential part of our lives.
參考: 會考 及 高考 英文成績 - A
2007-01-21 4:21 pm
因為你說你文章都是以nowadays, recently, 或lately作開啟,所以我相信你都是多寫關於時事的議論性文章。在作文時,你可以「單刀直入」,一開始便說明你想寫的是甚麼。若以月初禁煙的事情為例:

As of January 1, the Goverment has banned smoking in most enclosed areas, and I am in favour of this regulation. ...


My father died of lung cancer two years ago. He did not smoke, but he frequented restaurants and bars, and became a victim of second-hand smoking. The recent enactment of the smoking ban is very welcoming sign. ...

Restaurant and bar owners are worried that the recent smoking ban is going to hurt their businesses. They claim that many of their patrons are smokers, and prohibiting smoking means driving these patrons away. I have a different view on this. ...


As illustrated in the above examples, the smoking ban is definitely bringing more benefits as a whole to the city. ...

If the smoking ban were in place ten or twenty years ago, my father could still be living today. While the past cannot be rewritten, the Government's action on the smoking ban definitely has a positive impact on the current and future generations. I hope that ...

There will always be different opinions about the smoking ban. Nonetheless, it is important that we take an impartial look at the situation and determine the best option, or sometimes, the one that is less evil. I strong believe that ...


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