關於alkalis 的問題

2007-01-21 2:50 am
我想問點解sodium carbonate, ammonia係alkalis??禁sodium hydrocarbonate係唔係alkalis???

ammonia sulphurate 點解係acidic???

回答 (1)

2007-01-21 4:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
sodium carbonate is neither base nor alkali. A base is a compound which reacts with acid to form salt and water ONLY. An alkali is a base which is soluble.
Sodium carbonate reacts with acid to form carbon dioxide, water and salt, thus is not

ammonia is alkali because ammonia react with water molecules to form hydroxide ions
and ammonium ions. It is the hydroxide ions which make the solution alkali.

sodium hydrocarbonate, similarly to sodium carbonate, is not alkali.

2007-01-20 21:14:49 補充:
buddy above says sodium carbonate is an alkalii m sure it is not, because my chemistry text book says it is not.i dont think such a common text book would be wrongreference: Chemistry A Modern View - ARISTO

2007-01-20 21:15:07 補充:
moreover, that reaction is not neutralization,for neutralization is a reaction between acid and base, giving salt and water ONLY

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