Zac Efron同Vanessa拍拖?有冇他們msn?

2007-01-21 2:21 am
係咪拍拖[Zac Efron同Vanessa] 有冇人真係知?有冇Zac Efron,Vanessa msn?

回答 (2)

2007-02-05 12:08 am
2007-01-21 9:35 pm
I just know Vanessa is Zac's #1 fan, and they seem SOOO close together, they kissed, and always hang out together!! And Ashley said once, "When I look at Vanessa and Zac, I smile, cause they are SO CUTE together!" That means they are totally together, but I don't think Ashley is the 第三者, cause Ashley and Vanessa are BEST friends, she won't betray Vanessa like that.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 19:30:58
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