
2007-01-21 2:12 am
Which proofreading ex is good?
Please give me the name.
How much?

回答 (2)

2007-01-21 6:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
Name : Proof Reading (Forms 4-5) [Second Edition]
Publisher : Free Press
Price : $39.00

The book contains 40 proof-reading exercises and 15 open-cloze passages. Besides, there are answers and notes, as well as glossary (of grammatical terms). In my opinion, the exercises within are not too difficult, and, what is more, the book is not too expensive and has a reasonable price, which explain why the book is commonly used by a lot of Hong Kong students. I hope that it would help indeed.
2007-01-21 2:14 am
what do you mean [proofreading ex]?

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