
2007-01-21 1:53 am
唔糸cars 果種

回答 (9)

2007-01-21 2:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
put up steam; come on; cheer up; go for it; 甚至 good luck 也適當。
亦可在 GO 字後加上對象的名字,例如:
Go John! Go John! 這便等於:約翰加油!約翰加油!
順帶一提,若用於鼓勵他人面對逆境的那種加油則可用 "brace oneself"
例如"加油金順"可譯為:"Brace up! Geum Soon".

"Do your best ! " 意即 "做到最好", 較適合鼓勵兒童

"Way to go!", 意即 "做得好! 加油!"

"Kick some/ his butt ! " , 意即 "落力啲! 加油!" , "比啲顏色佢哋睇"

"Kick some/ his a**!", 如上, 但較為粗俗, 傳神

"Go get'em!" , 意即 "加油! 比啲顏色佢哋睇"
2007-02-09 10:32 pm
很好啊! 用心解答.
2007-01-22 3:37 pm
don't give up
2007-01-21 2:17 am
Many ways to say...and depending on the context. For example,

Keep your head up...
Come on....
Go for it...
Keep playing...
Dig your heel in....
Keep fighting...
Keep moving....
2007-01-21 2:14 am
樓上各位都對。如果你想話為xxx加油, then say

root for somebody
2007-01-21 2:01 am
2007-01-21 1:59 am
加油 = fighting!

2007-01-21 1:57 am
never give up
2007-01-21 1:57 am

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