Runescape---關於爆&被爆acc ge 疑惑..俾意見ar

2007-01-21 1:14 am
條件--響Yahoo+met到1個player,唔識真實生活ge`佢`,only know acc name,冇個人資科,冇冇可能hack 到佢個acc?

我個人認為冇,想ask 各位意見,

and 佢認為我 hack 佢,各位點睇

回答 (5)

2007-01-22 5:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
有可能, 好多人比人 hacked,
所以最好自己 log out 之前 bank 哂所有貴重既物品,
有 bank pin and recovery questions,
比人 hacked 既機會真係會少好多...
參考: me →
2007-01-24 1:56 am
ur password was hacked, dat means u lost ur password

first,go to the mainpage of runescape,then you could a see a box called Account Recovery
choose Recover a lost password
type in your account name
then type in your email address
at last the Type of query:
choose i have forgottern my password
then there will be a next page
type in your recovry question(if you have)
then type in your previous password(the password that u login before)
at last type in the new password u want
wait 24hours
then jagex will send u a letter that u will get back the account
i have post the way to get back password in the following question and became the best answer:

after u got ur password back
check ur bank,
if u didn't set a PIN, then ur items might be stolen
so set a PIN next time
and remembrer to change ur password frequently~
2007-01-23 3:10 am

我都被人爆過acc ge好多次!!
參考: 我
2007-01-23 1:32 am
除非他沒有Recovery Question,否則都很難hack佢account。如果佢係member仲難hack,要比埋credit card number...... 無論如何,我始終都討厭hackers。損人利己,非君子也!至於你應吾應該hack佢...... 心照啦!
2007-01-21 10:21 pm
可能hack 到, 但係要用好多時間逐個撞, 同埋就算撞到, 都可用D recovery questions 知番個pass 架!

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