做consolidated cost of sales 的時候,可唔可以寫成:
H's cost of sales - Unrealized intra group transaction(on cost) + S's cost of sales on the good sold not purchased thought intra-group transaction
H = Holding company
S = Susidiary
Give evidence or example to support your Idea
啊~你o個隻方法我知得,咁我個statemento個個formula呢 ? 因為我試過幾次用我條formula都計到答案,所以我想集百家成大同,睇下我果幾次係咁岩我甘橋,定係真係通用...那,你答埋呢part就比最佳問答你啦~~
突然間,好像有一點啟發... 之前好像掉轉左黎諗... Group closing stock's value - unrealized profit
Cost of sales = opening stock + net purchase - closing stock
= opening stock + net purchase - (closing stock - unrealized profit) = opening stock + net purchase - closing stock + unrealized profit = cost of sales before written off intra-qroup transaction + unrealized profit
個腦脹脹地...算啦---我屈服喇,我唔諗喇...我唯有臣服於正式的formula下啦... H' cost of sales + S' cost of sales - intra-group transaction + unrealized profit 我屈服喇...