
2007-01-20 9:01 pm
1.Yahoo暫時只在美國Nasdaq (納斯達克) 股票市場上市,10/3/06收市價為30.58美元一股。
3.Yahoo經常和其他公司合作搞活動搞projects (例如同流動電話公司合作,讓該公司的手機用戶可以方便地享用Yahoo的服務),
4.yahoo 拍賣, yahoo 星相, yahoo 友緣人, yahoo 音樂

回答 (1)

2007-01-21 5:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Yahoo上市, 並不關係本身公司賺錢方法,而是它的集資方法等等。故股票升跌,在股東層面說。
2-3. mainly from advertising

Symbol =====> YHOO
Name ====> Yahoo!, Inc. , NASD

We generate revenue by providing marketing services to businesses across the majority of our properties and by establishing paying relationships with our users for premium services. We classify these revenues as either marketing services or fees. Our offerings to users and businesses currently fall into four categories — Search; Marketplace; Information and Entertainment; and Communications and Connected Life. The majority of our offerings are available globally in more than 15 languages.

The following table presents revenues for groups of similar services:
Years Ended December 31, 2005
Marketing services (Note 1) $4,593,972,000
Fees $663,696,000
Total revenues $5,257,668,000

(Note 1) The Company reclassified previously reported marketing services revenue of $5 million and $22 million, respectively, as fees revenue for the years ended December 31, 2003 and 2004 in order to refine the alignment of revenue sources with these classifications.

Source from annual report 2005

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