究竟 profolio 同 portfolio 邊個先對的?

2007-01-20 9:01 pm
“我的profolio“ 怎樣串?
我見慣都是 profilio ...但查不到字典!!portfolio就有!! 那一個是對的呢?

回答 (5)

2007-01-20 10:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
portfolio is the right word. I know it because I created mine for job interviews and going to apply to schools. It's bascially a collection of your art work presented in a booklet designed by you.

1.a flat, portable case for carrying loose papers, drawings, etc.
2.such a case for carrying documents of a government department.
3.the total holdings of the securities, commercial paper, etc., of a financial institution or private investor.
4.the office or post of a minister of state or member of a cabinet.


don't use the other one.....
參考: myself
2016-12-26 10:00 pm
2016-11-09 4:57 pm
Pro Folio
2007-01-21 2:04 am
後者, portfolio 才對
2007-01-20 9:05 pm

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