Schweser study notes

2007-01-20 6:22 pm
請問有冇人知FTC Kaplan的CFA prep course d course notes夠唔夠溫? 定係都一樣要買埋Schweser study notes?

如果要買,邊度平d? Kaplan 好貴呀!成千元!我上ebay看過,要幾百元,但是是影印本!仲唔抵!!!


回答 (3)

2007-01-22 8:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我準備考level II,之前level I同而家level II都有上 FTC Kaplan嘅 prep course,我本身有finance同accounting底,不過我自己覺得淨靠佢prep course啲notes係唔得同唔夠.其實好多人上prep course都有買Schweser啲study notes架.

以我上年讀level I為例,Schweser study notes有五大本(冇計嗰本sample exam),而成個prep course嘅notes只有三大本,仲要係一個page就係得兩張上堂用嘅powerpoint slide,最重要係prep course notes嘅每一張slide都有make reference to Scheweser study notes嘅relevant page,咁你自己諗吓淨讀prep course notes夠唔夠啦.

我覺得prep course啲notes係有用,不過係for臨考試,要溫重點嘅時候用,因為臨考試邊有咁多時間睇Schweser咁多字...
2011-03-14 12:59 am
可以到以下網址睇睇, 非常合理價錢的 cfa schweser notes level 1

100% 全新CFA考試書, For 2011 CFA Level 1考試 ~


-5本study notes

-2 本 mock exams

-1本 Standard of Practice handbook

-1張 Quicksheet

-1本 CFA Institute Exam Sample
2007-01-22 9:09 am
Are you going to take CFA Level I Exam in June?
Do you have finance and accounting background?
1. If you have accounting and finance background, you can self study it using Schweser study notes, provided that you have enough time to study for it, at least 3 months if u hv the background mentioned above. The Schweser study set is quite thick indeed, even if you print them out yourself which is about 2000 pages, it will cost you a few hundreds anyway.

2.If you don't have any background in finance and accounting, I suggest you take a course to help yourself out. The FTC Kaplan is CEF sponsored, so you have to pay 20% of the cost, subject to a ceiling for 10000 of government sponsorship. If you join the early bird scheme for level 1, it is 10000 x 20% = 2000 that you have to pay for it. It is not a bad deal. I didn't take this course when I took the exam, but you can watch the demo lesson online and see whether you like it or not.

Just be well planned for this exam, it requires devotion and it is very time consuming. "Pass each of the Level I, II, and III exams. Requires a minimum of 250 hours of study" quoted from CFA institute website
There is something to remind you, notes are just notes which means they are supposed to help you to prepare for the exam and expect you to have some background on it. I had to read the reference books when I didn't understand some part of the notes even though I have some finance, accounting, econ, statistics background.

I hope this helps and good luck!
參考: personal experience

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