
2007-01-20 5:55 pm

回答 (3)

2007-01-20 5:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
only pay 4000 la.. the 墊底費10000 is for accident only. say if u crush the car and the car need to repair and the cost is 15000, then you have to pay 10000 on your own, and the rest 5k will be paid by the insurance company.

2007-01-20 10:00:36 補充:
if u anything not clear, u must ask and make it clear before you sign the insurance contract.
參考: myself
2007-01-20 8:24 pm
如果佢解釋得唔清楚 , 咁你咪唔好幫佢買, 記住任何的保險都要清楚了條款先好買 , 唔係自己中招都唔知呀, 有乜事都唔知咁買等於冇 , 一定要清楚呀
2007-01-20 6:03 pm
墊底費係出左事先畀, 即超過賠償金額你要畀嘅錢, 未必係10000, 可能更加多. 最緊要你睇清楚合同條款.

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