
2007-01-20 5:00 pm
我係由wichita kansas fly去芝加哥,然後再由芝加哥fly去香港的。

回答 (5)

2007-01-20 5:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我唔覺得好, 我坐過來回香港至東京, 服務唔算話好差, 但係相比起國泰, 跟本比都冇得比, 班crew除左上機前greeting同埋派餐之後, 可以話消失左咁, 就算你按service既燈都好耐都出黎, 有人試過按几次都冇crew出黎, 直頭走入個pantry搵crew.
設備其實都ok, 同其他airline差不多
飛機餐會用當地既食品, 除非你唔啱食, 否則都唔洗點帶小食, 你覺得唔夠飽既可以要求畀多一份你, 或者食杯面, 不過如果係零食既, 就要自己帶了

不過一分錢一分貨, 如果有其他airline, 我諗我未必會坐聯合, 你可以飛去new york轉國泰, 話晒都坐長途機, 我情願坐間好既飛機~~~
2007-01-21 3:59 am
Quite surprise with the service. Though not as attentive as the Asian airlines, it was friendly and efficient. Food was fine and nice touch of after dinner drinks. The entertainment console on the B747 was so 1980s which I think is unacceptable for this day and age, Very clean but slighted dated interior.most of FA are oldie,
but they do very good job, very impress.please do not forget, everyone will get old.
in USA they had flight attentant union, no one will get sack regarding their age.

look at those forum http://www.airlinequality.com/Forum/ual.htm

2007-01-20 20:08:06 補充:
。因為UA 空姐冇強迫轉地勤,通常國際航線要排資論輩,飛得到亞洲都係年紀大,做到化個隻。有次見個人放唔到行李上去,叫婆婆幫手,個婆婆叉起腰,話如果我放上去會整親我條腰,你唔怕就自己放上去啦。above sentence make me vomiting, you are discriminating. people are educated..they won't agree your comment.no need to reply on this topic again, you haven't reach their level yet.poor thing
2007-01-20 10:19 pm
飛機:TransPacific 通常都係747-400,新舊或安全性,同CX,SQ分別不大。

不過UA Econ Class 冇私人電視,食物又差一些(美國人口味),空姐態度差啲。特別係空姐,通常係就退休嘅婆婆,個樣好似你阻住佢去Shopping 。因為UA 空姐冇強迫轉地勤,通常國際航線要排資論輩,飛得到亞洲都係年紀大,做到化個隻。有次見個人放唔到行李上去,叫婆婆幫手,個婆婆叉起腰,話如果我放上去會整親我條腰,你唔怕就自己放上去啦。


講真除非係公司Policy ,有得揀,Trans-pacific 一定係 CX或SQ。比較過之後 UA唔掂。

2007-01-20 14:36:12 補充:
內陸機就更不用比較。通常係冇食,冇電影,有嘅話係大銀幕,仲要比錢買Headset.全美航空公司除JetBlue一律如是。不過價錢其實好平。仲有,UA 長途機都唔會好似CX,SQ咁送牙膏眼罩同襪,要自己帶。

2007-01-21 00:35:53 補充:
It's not their age that I complain about, it's their atitude. I travel frequently in first & business and do like ppl of more seniority serving, they're more experienced and do things right the first time. But they need to show sincerity & they enjoy serving.

2007-01-21 00:41:55 補充:
In the many times I flew UA, I don't find their attendants showing any of these found in other airlines crews. The reason does not lie in the age, it's with the culture that dosen't understand service. Talk to one who travel globally and they always tell you the same thing.
2007-01-20 8:50 pm
基本上你唔怕拉登架話,都可以試下,service not bad!
2007-01-20 5:03 pm
It is very good.
The food is very sweet.

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