about mths and stats.

2007-01-20 1:17 pm
wt is the steps and ans.?
1, S ( x e^x ) dx
2, S [ e^( x^2 ) ] dx

回答 (2)

2007-01-20 4:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
S ( x e^x ) dx
= S ( x ) d (e^x)
= x e^x - S (e^x) dx
= x e^x - e^x + C

S [ e^( x^2 ) ] dx
This integration known be have no analytical result (unless using multivariable calculus only on special cases). Do not try it on or below A-level math.
2007-01-25 3:53 am
x e^x - e^x + C

S [ e^( x^2 ) ] dx
參考: mine

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