Runescape---Pure mage應否traain def lvl

2007-01-20 12:59 pm
Runescape---Pure mage應否traain def lvl(if it have lvl 43 prayer)

回答 (5)

2007-01-23 7:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
Pure mage -只升magic同hp
Tank mage -升magic,def,hp

你呢個acc 99%攞去pk(player killing)ga la..player vs player,d protection只可以擋50%,所以練到43都需要def..

本人有tank mage acc一個,認為一開始tank mage pk可以話好掂(只要你有pk skill),大概52+到la就成日死,呢個時候練prayer去到43就ok la(建議45)..

2007-01-22 23:51:03 補充:
所有******意思係player killing..rs都未block我竟然yahoo block個兩個字..-.-
2007-01-29 6:53 am
yes becauce player is not = (DEF)so ,you up lv for (DEF)can lessen some hit point
參考: self are runescape player
2007-01-23 9:01 pm
Pure mage係唔升def的
你升緊magic,用def mode來升magic,咁樣扣到怪血會有少少經入你def到(1血=1exp)血都係(1血1exp,愈多血會有BONUS)
有一種叫Tank mage,係勁d,因為佢def同血都高過pure

2007-01-23 1:29 am
If you already can use Protection From Melee, there is no reason that you should train defence but fishing and cooking. But if you can't use Protection From Melee, you also don't have a reason to trian your defence level because if you bind a person and he can't reach you (melee), he can't even hit you a single hit. But for rangers, defence level doesn't help a lot unless you have a Def level higher than about 80. Trust me... But if you find training only mage boring, training defence is also not a bad idea...
2007-01-22 5:39 am
通常pure 係唔 training def...........

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