保險公司比較 : AXA & New York Life

2007-01-20 12:41 pm
各位點睇以上呢2間公司的實力? (有何分別)
如果要你在保險業發展, 你會選擇哪間?

回答 (2)

2007-01-21 1:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
New York Life insurance company founded in 1845, more than 160 years experience in the world, it is the largest mutual life insurance company in the United States and one of the largest life insurers over the world, also a Fortune 100 and Global 500 company It dominant leader of the Million Dollar Round Table for 51 consecutive years(as of 2005). Their office located in all 50 states of the United States of America, always leading an insurance(mutual) business in United States.

In 1988, New York Life established in Hong Kong

If u wanna develop in insurance business, that i think u should choice New York Life, coz they got higher welfare, and a very well commission support for new come.

For more details, u can ask me, feel free to email me as : [email protected]

2007-02-04 13:40:28 補充:
yes ... any question wanna ask ?
參考: personal
2007-01-21 7:58 pm

2005年,AXA在全球500間最大企業中﹝World's Largest Corporations),以處理revenues計,排行第15,以保險:人壽、健康業務計﹝Insurance: Life, Health (Stock)﹞,28家公司中排第2。﹝資料來源:Fortune, July 24 2006﹞

●2000 - 2002年期間,連續三年榮獲《資本雜誌》主辦的「傑出科技及金融企業成就獎」之香港「最佳保險商」。
●2002 - 2006年期間,榮獲香港社會服務聯會頒授「商界展關懷」榮譽標誌。
●2005年獲《Hong Kong Business》 頒授財富管理界別中的「High Flyers Achievement Award」。
●2006年獲Mediazone選為「Hong Kong's Most Valuable Companies 2006」之一。



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