HKU Space : Postgraduate Diploma in Investment Management

2007-01-20 10:35 am
我想問 有無人 e+ 係讀更 HKU Space 既 Postgraduate Diploma in Investment Management, 個 course 到底好唔好?

如果讀完 要係 原本個到 繼續讀 master of finance 係咪 會 有得 claim exemption, 駛唔駛 再收錢, 同 學費 仲要俾多幾多?


回答 (2)

2007-01-20 12:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My friend is studying in HKU space, he told me that HKU Space 's course is no that good. So of them are only buy because of its Brand Name. So, i suggest you can do more research in such field.

exemption may offer if you have a good grade, i think G.P.A. 2.8 or above is better. For the tuition, you better ask for HKU Space staff, because take fewer subject can save some of the money.

Should you have any further question, please feel free to PM me.

2007-01-27 18:16:34 補充:
Yes, he entered the school at Sept 2006 intake.

2007-01-27 18:16:35 補充:
Yes, he entered the school at Sept 2006 intake.
2007-05-12 3:33 am
I am the current student.

I think the course is suitable for some student with Finance and Accounting background.

If you without any background, the lesson will be meaningless

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