If you want to read faster, what should you do?

2007-01-20 10:28 am
I would like to improve my reading speed, please give me some advises.

I know there are some classes that train you in readings, but actually how do they train you beside force you to read?

thank you very much!!!

回答 (3)

2007-01-20 11:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
you want to read faster??..
well i know someone who read a page so fast
just only few second and she finish a page
with 200 pages ~~ she finish in half an hour
she teach me that if u want to read fast
well you just have scan though all of the
nouns verb and adj.(adjectives)
and think what does this group of nouns verb or adj. means
and try and try and try you will get faster and faster~~

hope these can help you ^^
參考: Fds~~.. ^^ i try it 2 times and it kind of work
2007-01-20 10:55 am
Not any useful advises.
Just look more and more.
You can improve your reading speed by looking English newspaper.
It is not a short cut.
2007-01-20 10:35 am
是喔?! 原來有課程的喔?
香港很多書, 裡面的行距都很遠...字又大隻...頁數又不多...內容都圖片比較多...很騙錢...
參考: 我是書迷= =

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