
2007-01-20 6:42 am


回答 (3)

2007-01-26 7:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
最壞時間已過, 盈利回覆增長, 中期業績有4169萬元, 較上年同期上升90%, 預期全年業績可能有9000萬(不計特殊盈利), 是去年的4倍多, PE也只有5倍左右, 另外本年度將會錄得出售附屬公司40%股權的3000多萬特殊盈利, 計入後PE更會降至不到4倍.
現價1.20, 應會有大幅上升空間, 目標價1.60 -1.80. 近月來成交量大幅上升, 相信不少投資者正在留意. 七月公布全年業績後, 如派息好, 股價將會有進一部的上升.
2007-01-21 10:01 pm
why interest in this stock ?
when u start looking at it ?
have u buy this stock before /

The shares closed on Thur 16-Feb-06 at $0.75 per share

The existing reported interim result cannot really reflect the profit level due to the above 2 pts mentioned. Let say, the interest effect will continue in coming yr. But we believe the effect in pt 2 will be recover to normal level.

As such, the EPS for the remaining six months will be at least $( 6.0 + 6.6) cent ==> $ 12.6 c , i.e. the normal profit level

Also, one more positive factor not mention yet is:
建 築 材 料 (CMG)- per the interim report's Prospects say: for HK steel , based on the committed sales contract on hand, we expect the department to contribute significant margin to the 萬 順 昌 group in second half of the fiscal yr. Thus, we have strong reason to belive that the CMG profit will more than first half's result.

Fr. above, we expect 萬 順 昌 to make the forecasted full yr profit for yr ended March 06 to be at least:
EPS :$ 6.0 + 12.6 cents ==> $ 18.6 cent (which is affected by the first half's abnormal result).

So, forecasted full yr profit for March 07 will rebound to normal level of EPS $ 12.6 cent X 2 ==> 25.2 cent

Div. payout ratio of 30% , i.e. $ 7.56 c / share

Existing net asset/share is : $ 1.9192 (mostly currrent asset - unlike other traditional industrial stock which includ. many FF&E !!)

The shares closed on Thur (today, 16 Feb 06) at $ 0.75.

In summary:
Prospective P/E: 2.98 only !!!!
+ Price to book : 0.39 only !!!!
+ Div. Yield: 10.08 % haha !!!!
+ Continue Growth in China's Steel Processing Center !!!!

(N.B. due to the effect of first half - current yr's yield may be lower but wish to rebound to normal level in coming yr !
2007-01-20 5:00 pm
無咩動靜 sometime is good for stock, 有機會升 around $1.50 on or before Chinese New Year...........be patient

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