請問 KB 和 MB 的分別

2007-01-20 6:09 am
1)KB 和 MB,哪個大些?
3)KB 和MB 的簡介,例如它們的英文詳寫。


回答 (2)

2007-01-20 6:26 am
✔ 最佳答案

mb 大些 (大小階有分別的, 小階的b代表bit, 大階的代表btye)
1MB=1024KB=1024*1024 bytes=104857 6bytes=1048576 * 8 bits = 8388608 bits
KB: kilo-byte (千位元組); MB: mega-byte (百萬位元組); GB: giga-byte(十億位元組); B: byte (位元組); bit (位元) 是最小的儲存單位了.

2007-01-19 22:27:32 補充:
更正:mb 大些 (大小階有分別的, 小階的b代表bit, 大階的代表btye)- MB 大些 (大小階有分別的, 小階的b代表bit, 大階的代表bye)
參考: me
2007-01-20 6:28 am
KB and MB, which is bigger?
Of couse, MB is bigger, 1MB equals to 1024KB.
1MB stands for how many KB?
Just on the top, 1MB is 1024KB.
About KB and MB?
KB (Kilobyte), MB (Megabyte) (And byte[B], GB [Gigabyte], TB [Terabyte], PB [Perabyte], EB [Exabyte]...) are saved or remain memory in hard disk or RAM, if you use some, the used memory will grain, and the remained memory will lose. Mostly we have seen B, KB, MB, GB in computers.
參考: Muti information: Mine, Wikipedia...

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