1條A. Maths Compound Angles問題

2007-01-20 4:02 am

OP is a line with constant length x. Q and R are the perpendicular feet of P on OY and OX respectively. It is given that ∠XOY = π/4 and ∠POR = θ, where 0 ≦ θ ≦ π/4,

(a) Find the maximum value of OQ + OR. (依題我識計, ans: x√[2+(√2)])
(b) Find the maximum area of △OQR. (依題我唔識計...)

回答 (2)

2007-01-20 4:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
OQ + OR = x cos(π/4 - θ) + x cos θ
d(OQ + OR)/dθ = x sin(π/4 - θ) - x sin θ
d(OQ + OR)/dθ = 0
 when sin(π/4 - θ) = sin θ
      π/4 - θ = θ   , as 0 ≦ θ ≦ π/4
        θ = π/8
(cos π/8)^2
 = (1/2) (1 + cos π/4)
 = (1/2) ( 1 + (√2)/2 )
 = (1/4) (2 + √2)
cos π/8 = (1/2) √(2 +√2)

maximum value of OQ + OR
 = x cos(π/4 - π/8) + x cos π/8
 = 2x cos π/8
 = x √(2 +√2).

Area of △OQR
 = (1/2) OQ • OR sin π/4
 = [1 / (2√2)] [x cos(π/4 - θ)] • [x cos θ]
 = [1 / (2√2)] x^2 • (1/2) [ cos ( θ + (π/4 - θ) ) + cos ( θ - (π/4 - θ) ) ]
 = [1 / (4√2)] x^2 • [ cos π/4 + cos ( 2θ - π/4 ) ]
d(Area of △OQR)/dθ
 = [1 / (4√2)] x^2 • [ 0 - 2 sin ( 2θ - π/4 ) ]
d(Area of △OQR)/dθ = 0
 when sin ( 2θ - π/4 ) = 0
      2θ - π/4 = 0   , as 0 ≦ θ ≦ π/4
         θ = π/8
maximum area of △OQR
 = [1 / (4√2)] x^2 • [ cos π/4 + cos ( 2 (π/8) - π/4 ) ]
 = [1 / (4√2)] x^2 • ( 1/√2 + 0 )
 = (x^2) / 8.

2007-01-19 20:59:52 補充:
In (b), it is "quite intuitive" that θ = π/8 gives max. area of △OQR, because for max. area, △OQR must be an isoceles triangle. But of course a proof with d(Area of △OQR)/dθ = 0 is more rigorous and is the expected answer in CE Add. Maths. exam.
2007-01-20 7:50 am
(b) First of all, length of OQ = x cos (θ-π/4) and length of OR = x cos θ
Hence area of △OQR is given by: (1/2) × OQ × OR × sin π/4
= (1/2)[x cos (θ-π/4)](x cos θ) × sin π/4
= (1/2)x2 [cos (θ-π/4) cos θ] × sin π/4
= (1/2)x2 (1/2) [cos (2θ-π/4)/2 + cos (θ-θ-π/4)/2] × sin π/4 by using the formula cos Acos B = (1/2){cos [(A+B)/2] + cos[(A-B)/2]}
= (1/4)x2 [cos (θ - π/8) + cos (-π/8)] × sin π/4
= (1/4)x2 [cos (π/8) + cos (θ - π/8)] × sin π/4
∴ We can see that the area of △OQR is maximum when θ = π/8 since cos 0 = 1.
Hence max. area = (1/4)x2 [cos (π/8) + cos (- π/8)] × sin π/4
= (1/2)x2 cos (π/8)sin π/4
= (1/2)x2 (1/√2) √{[cos (π/4) + 1]/2} by using the formula cos 2θ = 2cos2 θ - 1.
= (1/2√2)x2 √(1/2√2 + 1/2)
= (1/4)x2 √(1/2 + 1/√2)
= (1/4)x2 √[(2 + √2)/2]
參考: My Maths knowledge

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