如何停止打c egg?!

2007-01-20 3:39 am
請羅列可以停止打c egg 的所有方向

另外 我本身有個方法好work 萬試萬靈

方法 : 倒轉個頭尼飲一大啖水

回答 (5)

2007-01-20 7:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This phenomenon is caused by jerkiness of the diaphragm muscles. When you are inhaling, the diaphragm muscles will contract while the diaphragm will be flattened. If will want to solve this problem, we better let the diaphragm muscles relax. When you are exhaling, the diaphragm muscles will relax while the diaphragm will return to its dome shape. As a result, take a deep breathe and then exhailing very slowly can help relaxing the diaphragm muscles.
參考: winnie0300
2007-01-20 6:04 am
2007-01-20 3:51 am
你可以try:some one scared you,but docters are not agree.but倒轉個頭尼飲一大啖水 呢個方法好怪...................如果try完我既方法is not work,please go to hospitalXD
參考: myself
2007-01-20 3:47 am
我個人方法係深呼吸, 然後閉氣, 期間慢慢放鬆橫隔膜位置, 直至忍唔到再慢慢呼氣, 一至兩次便可以了
2007-01-20 3:45 am
參考: 自己

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