i want to ask if i use limwire....

2007-01-20 1:45 am
i want to ask

if i use limewire 會唔會犯法?



someone said it is illeagel!someone said it is legal?! isn't it illegal?

回答 (2)

2007-01-20 2:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
Using limewire is legal. Just use the downloaded or uploaded copyright files is illegal.

The chance of being caught loading illegal files is the same as you will be using BT or eMule.

If you are in HK, just don't put any seeds in your PC and you will be ignored by the customs.
2007-01-21 9:09 pm
上面話合法是指你download的資料是合法便可,但如果你係limewire download d 歌係唔係版權持有人擺上去,咁同bt係無分別。


上面都話如果你淨係download,唔係upload,海關唔會搞你住。不過我的睇法係想聽可以問人借來聽,好聽就去買,當支持下個歌手。如果download 唔合法的歌,就要預左比一警告的一天。如果你係download 開英文歌,其實可以係d歌手的網頁聽,有時都有得download架。

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