
2007-01-20 1:13 am
The profit gained by a manufacture for selling a table is $20 and the profit percent is 10%.

a)Find the cost of each table.

b)If the profit percent is 6% now , find the profit gained by the manufacture when 0 tables were sold.


回答 (3)

2007-01-20 1:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
a ) COST PRICE x 0.1 (10%) = 20
therefore COST PRICE =20/0.1

如果你買 PROFIT 是原價的一成, ie, profit percentage is 10%
所以, 用原價 X 以 10% , 即是 0.1, 就會得出PROFIT , 即是 $20
在這裏, 一條方程, 一個未知數, 可算出答案 cost price.

b) 0 table = no profit 我諗你打錯了.

如果 PROFIT % 係 6% , 即是說, 毎賣一張枱, 就會得到原價的 6% , 即係話 所得的profit 是原價的 6%, ie profit percentage is 6%,

if 1 table were sold ,
一張枱的原價 X 以 PROFIT %
200 x 0.06= 12

如賣出十張枱 , 就是 12X 10 =120 元
2007-01-20 1:33 am
(a) 請找出每張枱的價錢:

成本價的10%=$20, 故此每張枱的成本為 $20 除 10 乘 100 = $200.

(b)毛利降低至6%, 即每出售一張枱製做商可赚$12 ($200 x 6% = $12). 但因manufacturer 售出 0 張枱,故此並沒有赚取任何利潤,所以答案是 0 ($200 x 6% x 0 = 0)
2007-01-20 1:23 am
Let the cost be $ y
profit percent = (selling price - cost) / cost * 100%

10% = 20/y
y = 200
cost = $200

b) for one table
6% = profit / 200
profit = 12
but 0 table were sold, so there is no profit

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