As soon as 點作 (P.3)

2007-01-20 12:53 am
As soon as 一定要放頭


As soon as my mother scolded me, I will go to bed.
(Is that right?)

回答 (4)

2007-01-20 1:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
As soon as my mother scolded me, I will go to bed.
As soon as my mother scold me, I go to bed.
前面不需要過去式,後面也不應該是future tense。媽媽一罵我,我便立即去睡覺 --- 這句全用 simple present tense 便可。

2007-01-19 17:01:42 補充:
***********As soon as my mother scolds me, I go to bed. Sorry, 忘記了加s .......... ^_^*******************
2007-01-20 12:58 am
我覺得唔岩囉= =as soon as 好似唔可以放係前面嫁@@"~as soon as 既意思係有咁快得咁快,最快既速度Because my mother scolded me,so I go to bed as soon as I can.
參考: 我
2007-01-20 12:58 am

As soon as 有「只要」或者係「一旦」既意思,



As soon as a warrant is granted, we can go and search for evidence.
2007-01-20 12:57 am

因為工作上有時用到, 我會咁寫 :

please approve as soon as possible


2007-01-19 17:00:31 補充:
唔知咁樣得唔得 :I will go to bed as soon as my mother scold me.我自己英文都唔好, 但希望幫到你

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