去日本關西旅遊,用kansai thru pass抵嗎?

2007-01-20 12:27 am
一月尾諗住去日本關西,自由行五日,打算去神戶,大阪,姬路,京都,和歌山,用Kansai Thru Pass抵嗎?包唔包關西機場來回難波?


回答 (2)

2007-01-20 1:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
3日5000yen 等同港幣330元
2日3800yen 等同港幣250元

咁就要睇下你3日或者2日坐唔坐到咁多錢, 不過如果你諗住去大阪近郊咁多地方, 都算抵用, 機場有部份既電鐡都用得, 特快既唔用得
2007-01-21 5:00 pm
include 電車和巴士, not JR. Therefore, you can only take 南海電鐵 to/from Airport, not JR.
also, the pass only up to 3 days. You need to plan your side trip (姬路,京都,和歌山,神戶) within the 3 days. Otherwise, you may consider buying JR West Pass to 姬路/和歌山 (http://www.jtbusa.com/enhome/jrpassw.asp) and buy separate tickets to 神戶 and 京都. Not very expensive. Within 大阪, you can use subway pass instead.

Some good suggested itinerary for kansai thru pass

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