
2007-01-19 9:24 pm

我有政綱的啊! 經濟方面,港幣與印尼盾掛勾。(好有potential架) 政治方面,選委會人數增加至八萬五千人。 民生方面,在中環建垓電站。(減輕人民生活費) 教育方面,中小學推行一人一部遊戲機。(一定要打三國遊戲) 醫療方面,多建幾間精神科病院。 治安方面,建紅燈區,預禁於徵。 軍事方面,建造垓彈,以爭取美國緩助。 七大政策,我相信有七百個選委支持啦!

回答 (2)

2007-01-20 9:16 am
✔ 最佳答案

This is so easy ! First, you get the 知識長 here!

I think you can meet 一百位選委會 without problem! (

Or you invest in cinema, You make your first great movie 戰國小神算 I !!! everybody knows your hero's story ! ( maybe you can go to california like schwarzenegger)

anyway; you can win with you terrible 紫微斗數 lol !!

2007-01-20 01:24:33 補充:
hi, 發問者,你得閒按我的帳號,投下票呀,唔一定要投我,也可知我點想呀! (copyright 小神算)

2007-01-20 16:29:50 補充:
Hello pt_csh01 I think 小神算 have many humour ~ 我想參選特首 = How to win 特首 ? ( if i'm a normal man?)this question is a good one for our imagination, also is 知識問題 ( 2 questions inside.)I like question which we can’t find on wikipedia. 檢舉? take is easy la, is good for health :)Regards
參考: mon avis
2007-01-19 10:34 pm
你how old???
Who are u?

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