how to use vlookup?

2007-01-19 8:44 pm
我記得用vlookup 時資料是要排序的....但如果同時要2 個column 排序是沒可能的..如

A Date info
1 2006/5/1 c
1 2006/5/2 c
1 2006/5/3 a
2 2006/5/1 a
2 2006/5/2 b
2 2006/5/3 b
3 2006/5/1 a
3 2006/5/2 c
3 2006/5/3 a
3 2006/5/1 c

how to show info when A=2 , Date=2006/5/2 by using vlookup or lookup,, answer is b

回答 (4)

2007-01-22 11:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
You should use Match function instead of vlookup function.

Formula as follows:
Assume you input 2 at cell D1, 200/5/2 at cell E1, your answer shows at cell F1.
In cell F1, formula would be =INDEX(C2:C20,MATCH(1,(A2:A20=D1)*(B2:B20=E1),0))

The difference between vlookup, match, index as belows:

VLOOKUP allows you to find an entry in a list and return a value that
is a given number of columns away from that entry. This can be a text
string or numeric value.

MATCH returns an integer number of the row within a range that matches
the entry in question.

You can next a MATCH function within an INDEX function and perform an
operation very similar to a VLOOKUP, because the INDEX function works
on a grid-type array of data.

An other important difference between vlookup and index&match is that when using vlookup the look-up value needs to be in the leftmost column.

Index&match doe not require that.

ie vlookup:

Col A Col B Col C
1 A HI
2 B Bye
3 C Yes
4 D No

If your lookup value was in Col B (lets say "B"), you could not look up values form Col A ("2")
參考: Microsoft office Forum
2015-05-03 1:23 am
2007-01-23 10:26 am

要求1格既,陣列公式囉,參考,.   Sheet2
2007-01-19 9:26 pm
I don't know the straight forward method. But I usually do the following:
1. Insert a colume between B & C
2. type formula at the new column =CONCATENATE(A2," ",TEXT(B2,"YYYY/MM/DD"))
3. copy the formula to whole column
4. for the anwer cell, type

xxx is address of 2
yyy is address of 2006/5/2

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