
2007-01-19 8:24 pm
我按左Print Screen Sys Rq複制D圖片後,響邊度可以找到???(10分)

回答 (5)

2007-01-19 11:55 pm
按左Print Screen Sys Rq 後 開"小畫家"或其它做圖軟件,之後在電腦鍵盤按下 "Ctrl + V"貼上或開啟"小畫家"後按下 "編輯-貼上'.
2007-01-19 11:15 pm
run CLIPBRD command will open Windows Clipbook Viewer

Everything you copy will be placed here and replaced by your next copy or print screen action.

When you perform a paste action, it'll copy from Clipbook Viewer and paste it where you want it to.
2007-01-19 8:49 pm
按完Print Screen後, 要開小晝家, 再按貼上, 便會見到了
2007-01-19 8:37 pm
當你按"print screen sysrq"後,開啟小畫家,開啟後按"ctrl + v"(即貼上的意思)

其他可使用的軟件:Photoshop, AI, Corel Draw, Freehand等....
2007-01-19 8:31 pm
一按完 Print Screen 後,可以打開小畫家 (或其他已安裝的繪圖軟件)
打開後 按 〔貼上〕便可以將複製的圖像貼上及儲存。
參考: 我

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