Account 問題

2007-01-19 7:52 pm
a)show by means of ledger accounts, including cash and bank accounts, to record the above transactions int the books of miss may wong

b)balance off all ledger accounts and show all the brought down balance


2)但係我見到佢有個ledger accounts,ledger accounts唔係等於sales ledger,purchases ledger,general ledger咩??

回答 (4)

2007-01-19 8:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
a)叫你入落去t account(t account等於ledger),總之有咩t account需要開就開
b)之後把全部開左ge account 平脹(balance佢),之後把有差額ge數b/d(即是把差額bring到下一年)
2007-01-19 8:47 pm
如果你想記錄 Miss May Wong的賬目, 每個account都有monthly opening balance and closing balance.

For example : Miss May Wong bought stationeries and withdrew HKD50 from her bank account at 15/1/2007. Her bank opening balance was HKD1,000.

Dr. Stationeries a/c HKD50.00 Cr. Cash and Bank a/c HKD50.00

在15/1/2007, 你的簿記賬目內Cash & Bank a/c 結餘是港幣950.00. 如果沒有任何transactions在一月份, 你一定要將這Cash & Bank a/c 結餘港幣950 帶到下一個月, 在下一個月這結餘港幣950 是opening balance.
2007-01-19 8:10 pm
2007-01-19 7:57 pm
做完t-account 再做ledger account, 然後在看看個brought down balance.

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