do u suggest any places of interest in edinburgh?

2007-01-18 10:41 am
what do u suggest for 2 twenty yr old girls to do in edinburgh in february?
we are intrested in culture, music (metal / punk), history, we are also criminology students.

回答 (3)

2007-01-19 3:48 pm
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Just walk up and down the Royal Mile and soak in the atmosphere. Plenty of museums there... just walk and you'll see.

There's also the Royal Museum of Scotland on Chamber Street... never been in there, but it looks very big and I've heard que c'est assez chic dedans.

University of Edinburgh might run a criminology course... you can just pop in and audit some lectures.
2007-01-18 10:50 am
2007-01-18 10:49 am
How about the police museum

This small museum exhibits the history of Edinburgh's policing and includes information on some of Edinburgh's most notorious criminals such as Deacon Brodie and Burke & Hare.

Run by Lothian and Borders Police, the centre provides a working police service for the public to pick up information, ask directions, report crime, lost and found or to talk to staff about policing in the Lothian and Borders area.

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