
2007-01-19 6:51 am

回答 (4)

2007-01-19 6:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
北歐五國中,面積最小的國家非丹麥莫屬, 丹麥位於北海(North Sea)和波羅的海之間,靠近人口稠密的西歐,由於獨特的地理位置,成為北歐與西歐、中歐的橋樑;日德蘭半島與德國接壤,半島東側有四百餘大小島嶼組成的主要群島,其中面積最大的是西蘭島(Zealand),哥本哈根就位於西蘭島上.丹麥的面積為42,930平方公里,境內大半是低地,由肥沃的農場、溼地、起伏的丘陵、山毛櫸林和歐石南覆蓋的酸沼所組成.最高的山-摩天谷(Heavenly Hill)海拔僅173公尺;最大的湖泊-亞雷索湖(Arresø)面積為41平方公里.人口約520萬人,密度居北歐之冠,語言為丹麥語,亦屬於日耳曼語系,宗教為基督教,首都是哥本哈根.持歐洲的申根簽證就可進出丹麥.與台灣時差+6小時(夏令時間).


2007-01-21 10:16 am
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For other uses, including the disambiguation of "Danmark", Kongeriget Danmark
Kingdom of Denmark
Motto: none
(Royal Motto: Guds hjælp, Folkets kærlighed, Danmarks styrke
"God's help, the people's love, Denmark's strength")
Kong Christian (royal & national)
Capital (and largest city) Copenhagen
55°43′N 12°34′E
Official languages Danish1
Government Constitutional monarchy
- Queen Margrethe II
- Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen
Consolidation (Prehistoric)
Accession to EU January 1, 1973
- Total 43,094 km² (134th2)
16,6392 sq mi
- Water (%) 1.62
- 2005 estimate 5,431,000 (109th)
- Density 126/km² (78th2)
326/sq mi
GDP (PPP) 2005 estimate
- Total $187.9 billion2 (45th)
- Per capita $34,7402 (6th)
GDP (nominal) 2005 estimate
- Total $259.7 billion (27th)
- Per capita $47,984 (6th)
HDI (2004) 0.943 (high) (15th)
Currency Danish krone (DKK)
Time zone CET2 (UTC+1)
- Summer (DST) CEST2 (UTC+2)
Internet TLD .dk2
Calling code +453
1 Co-official with Greenlandic in Greenland, and Faroese in the Faroe Islands. German is recognised as a protected minority language in the South Jutland area of Denmark. Danish is recognised as a protected minority language in the Schleswig-Holstein region of Germany.
2 For Denmark excluding the Faroe Islands and Greenland. The TLD .eu is shared with other European Union countries.
3 The Faroe Islands use +298 and Greenland uses +299.
The Kingdom of Denmark (Danish: Kongeriget Danmark (help·info)), is the smallest and southernmost of the Nordic countries. Located north of its only land neighbour, Germany, southwest of Sweden, and south of Norway, it is located at 56° N 10° E in northern Europe. Denmark borders both the Baltic and the North Sea. The country consists of a large peninsula, Jutland, which borders northern Germany, plus a large number of islands, most notably Zealand, Funen, Vendsyssel-Thy, Lolland and Bornholm as well as hundreds of minor islands often referred to as the Danish Archipelago. Denmark has historically controlled the approach to the Baltic Sea, and these waters are also known as the Danish straits.

However, Denmark seems to derive from the German/French word Danemark, which was the name of one of the marches created by Charlemagne around year 800, which was located in the southern part of Jutland.

國家全名: 丹麥王國
地區: 42930 平方公里
人口: 5356000
首都: 哥本哈根 (人口 1百80 萬)
人种: 95%是丹麥人,5%是外國公民
語言: 丹麥文, 英語, 德語
宗教: 路德教
政府: 君主立憲制
國家元首: 女王 瑪格麗特二世(Margrethe II)
政府首腦: 首相 拉斯穆森(Anders Fogh Rasmussen)
國內生產總值: US$161000000000
人均國內生產總值: US$30150
年增長: 1.5%
通貨膨脹: 2.5%
主要工業: 農產品、穀物、肉類及奶類製品、魚、啤酒、汽油和煤氣、家電和家具。
主要貿易伙伴: 歐盟成員國(尤其德國、瑞典、英國、荷蘭、法國和意大利),美國
歐盟成員: 否
時區: GMT/UTC 格林威治標準時間+1(夏天+2) ((夏天+2))
國際電話區號: 45
電源: 220伏 ,50赫茲
度量衡: Metric丹麥克朗

經濟型: 6-10美元, 普通型: 10-20美元, 高檔型: 20美元

經濟型: 10-25美元, 普通型: 25-80美元, 高檔型: 80美元

2007-01-19 9:04 pm
請參考 http://www.visitscandinavia.or.jp/
2007-01-19 10:32 am
www.gkhongkong.um.dk tel:2827 8101

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