翻譯, 英文勁人幫幫忙! 中譯英

2007-01-19 3:47 am
打 我而家就去打仗
打住乜野旗號 打一場點樣o既仗
問得唔好 我應該問生命一個乜野問號
問我 悲哭聲可以有幾多幾多
歌舞昇平o既世界 幾可聽到凱旋歌曲
曲終人散o既時候 只有剩低幾個幾個
我問我 我o既戰友係咪就係我一個
我為我 o既生命戰鬥要我保衛我
我話我 進一步退一步 我都難過
我想我 放棄我 唔再識分對錯

成日顧前顧後 想不透行左轉右
成日鬥前鬥後 想走都難自己走
有傷口 有時得手 有時失手 我都要受
成日顧前顧後 想不透行左轉右

回答 (3)

2007-01-19 7:37 pm
I am to fight
I am to fight for my war
If the real world is a battlefield
Would all the phenomena* become a ruthless illusion?
If I were to fight a fantasised war in reality
What flag shall I fly?
What war shall I fight?
My life would come to an end if the fight was forfeited
Ask it wrong
What question shall I ask in life?
Ask me
How much weepings and moanings are going on?
Ask me
In rhyme, what kind of horn can blow what type of elegy?
The world of extolled songs and dances
When can we hear a song of victory?
When the songs end and people disperse
How many of them would stay behind?
I ask myself
Am I the only comrade for myself?
I fight for my life, and protect myself
I say
fight for my life and protection
I say
Both stepping forward and backward upset me
I think I'd better give up myself
I can no longer differ right and wrong

Worries too much all the time
Cannot decide to go to the left or to the right
This is my war and I deserve the upshots
Fighting always
Cannot leave
It is difficult to leave so I left by myself
Sometimes succeed
Sometimes fail
It's a boomerang for myself

Worries too much all the time
Cannot decide to go to the left or to the right
This is my war and I deserve the upshots

2007-02-16 07:51:14 補充:
bad translation
2007-01-19 3:58 am
Hits me but the family on to go to war hits fundamentally □to an I o already □weaponry if □□the world on □a □□□□all □likely □onamots □□cruel pseudomorph if □□wants me to hit a □vacation weaponry to stop 乜 the wild flag □to hit a □□□o already weaponry to hit already is not good my o life □on sentence □□to result in light of this is not good my □□□life □乜 wild □□□I to be weeping □may have □many □many □my Tong? to be allowed to blow 乜 wild elegy dance □even o with 乜 the wild □angle already The world □may □to □turn on lathe song Qu?ren to disperse the o already □period of five days only to have remains the low □□□□my □my my o already □friend □onamot □□to want me on □an my □my □my o already life to guarantee □my my □me □step to draw back step of my all □□me to think I put □my not again □minute □□ □front □after after thought after all day long the airtight line left □right is the weaponry which I hits takes the consequences for own actions □front □wants to walk all day long all □own to walk has □the mouth to have □goes well has □lets slip I all to have to receive □front □thought all day long the airtight line left □is right the weaponry which is I hits to take the consequences for own actions
2007-01-19 3:52 am
But if flaunts me the family on
to go to war flaunts belongs to my o already
weaponry the real world radically is battlefield
咁 all phenomena is an onamot pair of brutal pseudomorph
if the reality wants me to flaunt a false weaponry
to stop mie the wild banner to flaunt a spot type o already weaponry
to flaunt is not good my o already life to delimit the period to ask
in light of this is not good I to be supposed to ask a life mie wild question mark
asked my weeping sound may have more than several more than several
asked my nursery rhymes may blow with mie the wild bugle mie the wild elegy
put on a show of peace and prosperity o already world several may hear triumphal returns song
things quiet down o already time only then remain low severalSeveral
I asked my my o already ally is the onamot is my
I wants me for my o already life fight to defend my
my speech I further to draw back step me to be all sad
I front to think sometimes sometimes I give up me know the minute to attend to the weaponry
not again after wrong all day long Gu Qian which
the not to have a clear idea line counterclockwise right is I
hits to take the consequences for own actions fight all day long fight want to walk all difficult
own to walk have the wound to go well let slip I all to have to receive
all day long Gu Qian to attend to the weaponry which the not to have a clear idea line
counterclockwise right is I hits to take the consequences for own actions

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