✔ 最佳答案
(b)the number of moles of ammonium ions NH4+ = the number of moles of ammonium carbonate (NH4)2 CO3 x2
=0.1x2= 0.2mol.
(c)the number of moles of carbonate ionsCO3 2- =the number of moles of ammonium carbonate (NH4)2 CO3=0.1mol
(d)the number of moles of hydrogen atoms H =the number of moles of ammonium carbonate (NH4)2 CO3=0.1x8=0.8mol
Since the question asks that the number of moles of those ions or atoms inside the compound(NH4)2 CO3, so use the mol concept but not the equation to solve it.The compound just likes a bag , if these is a bag, 5 atoms are there,so how many atoms are in 2 bags? Just 10 bags.As 5X2=10.
2007-01-18 19:07:15 補充:
呢類數用一分鐘要做完,所以好少分。唔係好難,用mole concept, 唔明再問。我中五架。
2007-01-18 19:10:02 補充:
2007-01-18 19:36:57 補充:
因為1mol 的(NH4)2 CO3 內,有兩個NH4-咁多,即係話 NH4-:(NH4)2 CO3=2:1。好似一粒(NH4)2 CO3裏面就有兩粒NH4 -,即係1mol有兩mol NH4 -啦!
2007-01-18 19:42:21 補充:
我係岩岩學mole concept果陣都覺得好難,直情難到想死,根本唔明佢講乜。但係之後係咁計,唔識,再計,唔識,再計,問人又唔明,再問,問問下,好似開始識識地。雖然宜家我對mole都唔係咁熟,但係就起碼明佢講乜多左!
2007-01-19 17:37:45 補充:
If I am right, please choose me as the best . Thanks.
2007-01-20 14:18:01 補充:
回樓上那位:首先,我無講過the number of moles of ammonium ions NH4 = the number of moles of ammonium carbonate , 我只係講過the number of moles of ammonium ions NH4 = the number of moles of ammonium carbonate x2.同埋佢根本就唔駛咩equation都計到,因為只係普通ge mole concept.一粒ammonium carbonate內面有兩粒geNH4- 呢樣係人都先,所以呢個mole ratio係2:1.
2007-01-20 14:20:12 補充:
2007-01-21 13:25:17 補充: