我想要"No smoking,please."的作文

2007-01-19 2:38 am
我想要"No smoking,please."的作文


回答 (2)

2007-01-20 11:52 pm
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Smoking Kills

Every year, more then 400,000 American deaths are attributed to smoking. It’s banned in restaurants, workplaces and other public areas. It’s illegal for cigarettes to be sold to anyone under 18. Yet even with all the loss of customers by death, tobacco companies still manage to make a profit.

How do they do it? There are numerous laws against smoking. In 1998, a law passed that made it illegal to smoke in bars. An internal Philip Morris document states, "[The] financial impact of smoking bans will be tremendous - three to five fewer cigarettes per day per smoker will reduce annual manufacturer profits a billion dollars plus per year." In an effort to keep their customers smoking, the companies trick the public with lies and loopholes. Their goal is to slow the antismoking movement and keep people smoking—to get more profits.

What about the health of non-smokers? Reports from 1993 state second-hand smoke causes lung cancer and respiratory diseases. The same findings have been concluded by a hundred other major studies, and still the tobacco industry says the results are flawed.

A Philip Morris inside report from 1987 discussed how anti-smoking movements and price increases prevented 600,000 teens from taking up smoking. In 1979, a memo noted that “Marlboro dominates in the 17 and younger age category…” and in ’78 “…the base of our business is the high school student…”. Even with these companies’ lies and tricks to get around antismoking laws, they still try to sell their products to children. Who could blame them, considering their product kills more than 2,000 of their American customers a day? They need to replace these consumers quickly, and what easier way to do so than convince impressionable teens that smoking is the ‘cool’ thing to do? Hey, it keeps the profits coming!

Antismoking movements are just beginning to be heard. With a product that kills more Americans than AIDS, alcohol, car accidents, murders, suicides, illegal drugs, and fires combined, no law can be too strict. So, when you see a tobacco ad, are offered a cigarette, or have the choice whether or not to smoke, remember that tobacco companies are greedy money-grubbers. No matter who you are, you’re just another dollar sign in the eyes of Philip Morris.

Smoking Kills is for the nonsmokers of the internet. We know the effects of smoking, and we're smart enough to stay away. Are you one of us?
2007-01-19 11:43 pm
Smokers think that they can quit and all the damages that have been done will go away and that they are risk free from diseases. That is so NOT TRUE. Getting into the habit of smoking causes heart disease, cancer, wrinkles, damage to your respiratory track, and affects the people around you. By getting into this bad habit is like inviting all these things to happen to your body. Why would you want to start smoking? Is it because you think it is cool. It is not so cool when you develop lung cancer and you will have to start going to hospital constantly to get check-ups and take a lot of medication. It will not be so cool when your unborn child has a big risk in having a defeasance. It will not so be cool when you have a whole bunch of wrinkles on your face when you are young and the only way to get rid of them is by expensive surgery. It will not be so cool when you die from this habit. All of this could have been prevented by doing one simple thing, NOT SMOKING. And itis the most inexpensive way of keeping your health and skin from all of this. Do not make smoking a habit.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 16:38:29
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