What is Faster?

2007-01-19 2:28 am
What is faster?SSR, Saleen S7 Twin Turbo or Buggati Veyron?

回答 (5)

2007-01-21 1:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
NO.1 福特SSC Ultimate Aero 極速437km/h
NO.2 福特Saleen S7 Twin Turbo 極速416km/h
NO.3 布加迪Veyron 極速406km/h
NO.4 Koenigsegg CCR 極速388km/h
NO.5 法拉利Enzo 極速350km/h
(全球市場計,極速386.7km/h的Mclaren F1應是No.5)
NO.6 帕加尼Zonda 極速345km/h

我想Saleen S7 Twin Turbo 應是3者中最快了


2007-01-20 17:23:01 補充:
2007-01-20 12:53 pm
What car is the faster?Buggati Veyron,Saleen S7 or Pagani...
What is the faster?Buggati Veyron,Saleen S7 Twin Turbo,Pagani Zonda F or S???
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回答者 :Poseidon [中學級 5 級]
回答時間:2007-01-02 05:29:26
網友評價 :100% 0% 0% (目前有1人評價)

Bugatti Veyron is absolutely the fastest around all, it's max speed is up to 406km/h, which is the fastest production car so far, and it's acceleration from 0 to 100 is just 2,5 sec, which is crazy! Even Ferrari Enzo, Porsche Cammera GT, Zonda have no match on this German beast, so Saleen S7 will also be a loser when compare to Veyron!

However i heard that and also read that from foreign car magazines, some viper suit up can beat Veyron, but obviously, they are not production cars!

I read alot of car magazines, and it is my job!
i m an automobile engineer worked in Hyundai in South Africa

Thank you your answer!!!

I answered this question a while ago!
One more point is even CCR or CCX have no match to the Veryon! It goes like hell! But Saleen S7 twin Turbo is very fast, which can catch up with the Camarra GT! CCr and CCX are really fast cars!

2007-01-20 04:55:09 補充:
To ( A very special man)Please do not copy my answers, since you have copied my answers so many times!I will get angry and you should use your own answer!FromPoseidon

2007-01-20 05:00:37 補充:
this is the proofhttp://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7007010102060and the best answer is mine and you used it!

2007-01-21 01:58:35 補充:
The following said, Saleen S7 twin turbo is the fastest, but that S7 is being modified to achieve such result so the fastest production model is still the Veryon!
參考: i m an automobile engineer worked in Hyundai in South Africa
2007-01-19 3:13 am
Buggati Veyron
2007-01-19 3:09 am
Of course Buggati Veyron is the fastest.Bugatti Veyron is absolutely the fastest around all, it's max speed is up to 406km/h, which is the fastest production car so far, and it's acceleration from 0 to 100 is just 2,5 sec, which is crazy! Even Ferrari Enzo, Porsche Cammera GT, Zonda have no match on this German beast, so Saleen S7 will also be a loser when compare to Veyron!

However i heard that and also read that from foreign car magazines, some viper suit up can beat Veyron, but obviously, they are not production cars!

Hope I can help you!
參考: my car knowledge
2007-01-19 2:31 am
當然是Buggati Veyron

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