有冇人識 咸濕佬 的英文是甚麼??

2007-01-19 2:05 am
請問有冇人知 咸濕佬 的英文是甚麼??~~

回答 (7)

2007-01-19 2:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
lecher (n.)
(derog) man who is always thinking about and looking for sexual pleasure
(貶) 縱慾的人;好色之徒
2007-01-22 7:07 pm
i just thought of a term that might be more appropriate -- PERVERT. e.g. in britget jones diary, britget uses the term [t_i_ts pervert] to describe the guy [named fitz herbert or something like that] who often looks at her breasts
2007-01-19 9:30 pm
「咸濕佬」是 dirty old man
dirty old man (slang) 俚語:老色鬼、老淫虫。這個 old 字其實並不一定指年紀老邁, 亦指對年輕女性色迷迷的成年男人。 特別是美國人, 常以此俚語形容「咸濕佬」。美國著名黑人女子組合 The Three Degrees 除了大家熟悉的<When Will I See You Again>外, 還唱有<Dirty Old Man>。‘Dirty’ 一字解‘下流的’、‘色情的’、‘猥褻的’。
Pervert 這字作名詞用是解 ‘性變態者’ (someone whose sexual behaviour is considered unnatural and unacceptable), 即我們口中的「變態佬」, 但「咸濕佬」與「變態佬」不盡相同, 「咸濕佬」還是譯 dirty old man 較正確。
參考: Longman Dict. of Contemporary English
2007-01-19 7:02 am
Salty wet man
2007-01-19 3:06 am
咸濕佬 的英文是:Salty wet man 我查字典
2007-01-19 2:12 am
people who lascivious///

lascivious people

2007-01-19 2:10 am

2007-01-18 18:32:04 補充:
&quot;lascivious&quot; is a rather formal word and is less commonly used. Plus, it doesnt really mean 咸濕.

2007-01-18 18:33:02 補充:
The dictionary.com meaning for lascivious is:1. inclined to lustfulness; wanton; lewd: a lascivious, girl-chasing old man. 2. arousing sexual desire: lascivious photographs. 3. indicating sexual interest or expressive of lust or lewdness: a lascivious gesture.

2007-01-18 18:33:51 補充:
Also, this is an adjective. If you are looking for a noun, then &quot;pervert&quot; is the word to use. It literally means 咸濕佬.

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