法文點講呀? *Have a speedy recovery and GET WELL SOON*

2007-01-19 1:11 am
有為法籍朋友病左o... 想wish him

*Have a speedy recovery and GET WELL SOON*


Merci Beaucoup~!!!

回答 (6)

2007-01-19 1:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
常說的是﹕je te souhaite un (très) prompt rétablissement = I wish you a (very) speedy recovery.

Get well是se rétablir﹐所以get well soon是rétablis-toi vite。既然上句已經說了rétablissement ﹐就不好再加下句rétablis了。

Obtenir是「得到」﹐bien是「很、好、好事」。不能將get well直接翻譯為obtenez bien的。

2007-01-19 15:21:07 補充:
答lesfusilsfrancaishttp://fr.search.yahoo.com/search…70 200 "prompt rétablissement" 2 480 "rétablissement rapide"http://www.google.fr/search…185 000 "prompt rétablissement".25 600 "rétablissement rapide"

2007-01-19 22:50:25 補充:
形容詞做epithet時﹐位置在名詞前面或後面﹐沒有嚴格規定。不過很多時﹕前=figurative﹐後=literal。例如﹕sale garçon=壞孩子﹔garçon sale=髒孩子法文網有十八萬句prompt rétablissement﹐說明這是常用的說法。
2007-01-20 7:27 pm
online translators are awful because they translate word by word

if you translate "Have a speedy recovery and GET WELL SOON" word by word, the result could be comprehensible but surely sounds strange and your 法籍朋友 also will think that you are strange

i suggest you the following translations

j'espère que tu guériras rapidement et que tu iras mieux bientôt (i hope that you will recover quickly and get better soon)


je te souhaite que tu guériras rapidement et que tu iras mieux bientôt (i wishi that you will recover quickly and get better soon)
參考: studied french for 20 years
2007-01-19 6:32 pm
Folks,I thought you could translate the question into french by online translator from F/1 to F/3.It is poor for online translator :( .

To F/4:

ma'am,I thought you could confuse syntax between english and french.you move forward " prompt " on " rétablissement ",unbelievable!!

You gotta interchange them tween " prompt " and " rétablissement ",alright!

Moreover, the " prompt " means instant,or be equivalent to written in water,from english.

I think the " Je vous souhaite un rétablissement rapide. " would be better for this situation.

Conerning construing,similizes the F/4's,but some differences for lexica,grammar and syntax and so forth.Different methods for everyone accordingly.

Remark: Any comments just concern this question,not somebody.

2007-01-19 20:48:06 補充:
To: aida76000ma'am, I can't catch your post on.what did you mean?pls tell me more,or construe that concerning codes/numbers.Wait for your particulars.

2007-01-20 14:01:25 補充:
ma'am,you are right,but absolutely.It means the recovery of muscle according to " prompt rétablissement ".If you would move backforward " prompt " on " rétablissement ",you either.The meaning like I said.

2007-01-20 14:01:47 補充:
Moreover,the " prompt " from english,the french pick it out seldom.Any info from my DALF trainers--Y.Delatour/D.Jennepin,who are linguist of university of Sorbonne.

2007-01-20 14:21:08 補充:
I don't you took or not the DALF,the adjectives move forward nouns or not,just show your rhetoric on french.

2007-01-20 14:21:52 補充:
All adjectives put backward nouns in general other than ten specials. But approximate a hundred ambiguities,they both.That is it.Don't chat.You would be interesting in somewhere,visit the forum of french yahoo.we carry on!! :)
2007-01-19 4:20 am
Ayez un prompt rétablissement et OBTENEZ BIEN BIENTÔT
2007-01-19 1:19 am

Ayez un prompt rétablissement et obtenez bien bientôt
2007-01-19 1:16 am
Ayez un prompt rétablissement et OBTENEZ BIEN BIENTÔT

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