Can translate below in oral

2007-01-19 1:01 am

1) 如果有外簎人在街上問路, 怎樣用英文講,
你先向這方向直行, 然後過兩個街口, 一到 第三個街口叫xxx街就轉左直行五分鐘, 就看到一座紅色大廈, 隔離就是abc大廈.

2) 如果boss 問我BB 怎樣, 我想話( 他已七個月大, 很健康, 不過非常頑皮, 很喜歡跳, 一跳就唔想停.)

回答 (3)

2007-01-19 1:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) You go straight towards this direction then turn left after
3 blocks at xxx street. Walk about 5 minutes you will see
a red building, abc building is just next to it.

2) He is 7 months old, very healthy but also very naughty.
He likes jumping, when he start to jump, he will never stop.
2007-01-19 1:15 am
You walk 3 blocks down to this direction, make a left turn at XXX street and walk down for about 5 mins. You will then see a red building and ABC building is next to it.

he is already 7-months old. He is very healthy and active. He loves jumping a lot.
參考: myself
2007-01-19 1:11 am
1) Follow this road and turn left on "XXX" Street after two blocks. Walk for another 5 minutes and you will see a red building. ABC Building is just next to it.

2) He is 7 month old; Very healthy and active. He always jumps around and it's hard to put him on stop.

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