Octopus for kids

2007-01-18 11:58 pm
My kid is now over 12 and is attending secondary school. Should he change to a octopus card for student? How to do it? His school did not advise him at all and he is afraid of being caught of mis-use of the chilren octopus card.

回答 (3)

2007-01-21 5:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
I would advise him to do so.
For bus, half-fare concession is only for children below 12.
and for MTR, Children aged 3-11 enjoy concessionary fares of 50% of the adult fare.

A student octopus would definitely prevent him from the embarrassing occasion and considerable penalty(around $500). Btw, you can obtain the application form at any MTR Customer Service Centre (except Airport Express Line) or even the school.

After filling in the personal details, the form is needed to hand in to the school for approval. Then the endorsed form should submit to the MTR CS Center with an application fee of HK$90 (including card deposit - HK$50 ) within 14 days.
p.s A special rebate of HK$20 will be offered to FIRST TIME APPLICANTS

Moreover, for Primary school or F.1 student, the card is valid until 31 Oct 2009, an administration fee of HK$20 is payable for updating the card.

for further information, please go to:

2007-01-20 21:20:48 補充:
the application is available at any time, not only the begining of the academic year.
參考: personal knowledge n MTR website
2007-01-19 6:17 am
He can still use the octopus card until his 13th birthday because the 50%price is until 12 years old. But I do not prefer him to use it when he is in his uniform. And I think that he should change the Octopus card. Now he could only choose to change it next acedamic year because no orders will be accepted now. Please not worry about that. Actually some of my schoolmates are still using child octopus card!! I am using the student octopus card now. I think that he should not use the student octopus card too early since it only has a 50% discount on MTR. For example, bus route 681's full fare is $18.20. If he use a child octopus card, it only costs $9.10. But if he use the student octopus card, he must pay $18.10!! So use the discount correctly and smart!!!
2007-01-19 12:02 am
your child can buy a octopus for student at any MTR station or get a form from MTR station for the personal Octopus!!

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