
2007-01-18 11:21 pm

回答 (2)

2007-01-20 2:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
引力是不是能量的一種?This depends on how you think. If a satellite is moving towards the earth, the gravitational force ,F=Gm1m2/R2, can change into kinetic energy. Since the change of PE converts into KE.

能量不是conserved的嗎 Yes. It is a conserved force.

為何地球的引力是無中生有??No, your concept is wrong! The gravitational force地球的引力is due to the distortion of the space因空間扭曲而成,?能量由那裡transfer的. 對不起,我也不懂.

2007-01-22 17:59:53 補充:
2007-01-19 1:13 am
Gravitational force is a FORCE, not a kind of energy. When this force does work, energy is produced. An example is the production of electricity in hydro-eelctric power station.

The origin of gavitational force is still awaiting discovery. General relativity tells that its presence is because of space warping due to the presence of mass. Quantum theory points to the presence of gravitons, which is responsible for the gravitational attraction between two objects.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 19:15:35
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