
2007-01-18 10:58 pm

回答 (2)

2007-01-18 11:51 pm
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天安門廣場是可以影相的. 到時你可以用相機拍攝升旗儀式. 但四周實在太多人, 如要霸一個正中好位, 最少要早一小時到達

你的酒店在海淀區, 最近的地鐵站是公主墳. 距離約 1 km... 相信寒風下步行不了... 可到時問酒店職員怎樣過去吧. 到了地鐵站後搭紅線地鐵到天安門東 / 天安門西就到了, 車程約需 30 - 40 分鐘

天安門升旗的時間每日不同, 請到這裡查找: http://www.tiananmen.org.cn/flag/index.asp
2007-01-21 4:41 pm
A lot of people travelling around in Beijing during Chinese NY. Be prepared for long queue in major sights.
升旗比影相, but you may only stand at far back of the crowd. You will not be that close to the podium. Unless you get the excellent camera and good lighting, you can't take good photos. Anyway, it's good to experience it in person (even without taking photos). Suggest you to go at least 1.5-2 hours before the army march in. Better take the taxi in the early morning.
參考: personal experience

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